
Showing posts from September, 2023

Higher-Order Functions - Exploring the Power of Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript

Higher Order Function -  A function that takes another function as an argument and/or returns a function from it is known as a higher-order function. Let's learn the difference between the Normal function and the Higher-order function  The Traditional Approach: Normal Functions Before we explore higher-order functions, let's take a look at the traditional approach to calculating the area, circumference, and diameter of an array of radius using normal functions. const radius = [3, 1, 2, 4]; //Area const calculateArea = function(radius){   const output = [];     for(let i = 0; i < radius.lenght; i++){       output.push( Math.PI * radius[i] * radius[i] )    }   return output; } console.log(calculateArea(radius)); // Circumference const calculateCircumference = function(radius){     const output = [];     for(let i= 0; i < radius.length; i++){         output.push( 2 * Math.PI * radius[i] )     }      return output; } console.log(calculateCircumference(radius)); // Diameter co

Mastering JavaScript - A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Development with all Javascript Topic

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started or an experienced developer looking to deepen your knowledge, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the key concepts and topics in JavaScript development. Table of Contents: Getting Started with JavaScript Understanding the Basics: Variables, Data Types, and Operators. Control Flow: Conditional Statements and Loops. Functions: Building Reusable Code Blocks. Objects and Arrays: Essential Data Structures. Advanced JavaScript Closures: Understanding Function Scope. Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises and Callbacks. ES6+ Features: Arrow Functions, Template Literals, and More. Modules: Organizing Your Code with Imports and Exports. Working with the Document Object Model (DOM) DOM Overview: What is the DOM? Selecting and Modifying Elements in the DOM. Event Handling: Responding to User Interactions. Dynamic Web Pages: Creating and Deleting DOM Elements. Web APIs and Client-Side Development Making HTTP Requests with the Fetch API. Local St